Equality Objectives

We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 as both a provider of education and as an employer.

We believe that all pupils and members of staff should have the opportunity to fulfil their potential whatever their background, identity and circumstances. We are committed to creating a community that recognises and celebrates difference within a culture of respect and co-operation. We appreciate that a culture which promotes equality will create a positive environment and a shared sense of belonging for all who work, learn and use the services of our school. We recognise that equality will only be achieved by the whole school community working together – our pupils, staff, governors and parents/carers.

Within our school, it is essential that, through guidance given in the Equality Act 2010, our school is:

  • Eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • Advancing equality of opportunity between those who share protected characteristics and those who don't 
  • Consulting and involving those affected by inequality, in decisions you're taking to promote equality and eliminate discrimination 

For more information, please read the policy and statement below.

Equality Policy 

Equality Statement


Equality objective:

To explore any trends with families or children who fall under our 95% attendance rate. Any patterns of absence that raise potential issues for pupils regarding barriers to 100% attendance. We will have a particular focus on the absences of SEND pupils.


We would like to ensure that there are no barriers to attending school and that we address the lower attendance rate of SEND pupils.


Attendance is monitored each term on an individual basis. We need to look at attendance data to see if any groups of pupils have lower than average attendance and consult with their families with the support of our Education Welfare Officer.


Information gathered will enable us to ensure that any barriers to attendance for groups of pupils and their parents will be explored and solutions to improve the situation sought. Our aim is that pupils have attendance of at least 96%. SEND pupils will be supported to be successful in their school career.

Equality objective:

To narrow the gap by ensuring good progress for children with SEND and also those children with SEND who are also entitled to Free School Meals.


Children with SEND attain below children with SEND nationally, which is true for our school. This is also true of children who have SEND and are entitled to Free School Meals. We would like this progress to accelerate to narrow the gap.


We are supporting children with SEND and their families. We will monitor progress for children with SEND and any interventions that they take part in. Support and Intervention programmes are targeted at specific children for their needs. Interventions are robust and quality first teaching is always accessed. Our Early Reading curriculum will address specific needs in this area which may prevent pupils from accessing their learning more widely.


Children with SEND to make good progress from their starting points. In some cases, progress will be measured in small steps towards their goals as identified on assessment tracker. Parents or guardians will be satisfied with their child’s progress.

Safeguarding and wellbeing:
Equality objective:

To support the holistic development of all pupils through our wider curriculum, specifically through the provision of Healthy Relationships for pupils in Pangolins who need additional support in order to be safeguarded.


We understand our statutory and moral duty to protect all children and will address the needs which Pangolins class have in order to ensure they understand healthy relationships, being safe with others and how to protect themselves.


Specific planning for this class will give pupils the opportunity to explore how to stay safe around others, built in conjunction with the class lead and SENDCo. Parents will be consulted and the pupils’ learning requirements directly addressed.


All pupils will understand how to keep themselves safe and will be able to protect themselves in a range of situations in which they may find themselves.



The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011 require Governing Bodies to publish equality objectives at intervals of no more than four years but schools should publish detail on progress towards these objectives on an annual basis and publish this detail on the school’s internet site.