Parent Workshops

Talavera run a wide range of parent workshops throughout the year. We feel they are integral part of our school and are fundamental to our children's progress. Working together with the parents is incredibly valuable and we provide a range of styles and approaches, as well as resources, to ensure this is possible for every family.

Each workshop is run alongside a crèche to allow all parents to attend and, when evaluated, we regularly receive 10/10.

Spelling Workshops are run which include strategies such as:

  • Ball catch: the child and parent take it in turns to spell out their spelling word whilst throwing and catching a ball.

  • Stepping words: using small pieces of card, the children create stepping stones with each letter of their spelling word. They then have to try and step over the cards to spell out their focused word. If they become spelling wizards, their parents then try to mix up the letters to see if they can still spell the chosen word! 

  • Scribble words: the children draw a scribble and then practise writing out their chosen words several times in the scribble gaps. Bright felt tip pens are particularly favoured here by the children!

  • Wizard hats: children and parents try to create a wizard hat with their spelling words by breaking the word up and reforming it again in the shape of a hat.


Times tables workshops are run which include: 

  • Opportunities to practise tables tests

  • Demonstrations of how TT Rockstars works

  • Games and activities to play including: counting sticks, dice games, card games, dominoes and flash cards

  • An understanding of distributive law

  • Methods to develop mental fluency techniques


Reading Workshops are run which include strategies such as:

  • Parrot reading whereby children try to imitate their parents' reading style and incorporate greater expression into their voices

  • Word races which aim to improve the children's skimming and scanning skills 

  • Word meaning tasks whereby children try to establish the meaning of words using a range of strategies 

  • Comprehension tasks using a wide range of 'big think' question